MEDIA: Books

Pros have been featured regularly in books since once of the Pro Team's athletes is an avid writer. 

Pro Team OCR
WOrkouts To Go

Pro Team OCR Workouts to Go provides 75+ workouts that you can plug into your schedule to maximize your Obstacle Course Racing performance regardless of where you are. Each chapter has 5-10 workouts that are broken down by either topic or by availability of equipment.  These workouts were designed by members of the Pro Team at the time of the book's writing. Whether you are stuck in a hotel gym, only have access to a treadmill, working out on a track, have minimal equipment or a full ninja gym at your disposal, this book will give you a great list of workout options.

Chapters include:
VO2max Workouts
Lactate Threshold Workouts
Staircase Workouts
Sandbag Workouts
Hotel Gym Workouts
Playground Workouts
Gym Workouts
Functional Fitness Gym Workouts
Unique Locations (Ninja, Climbing, Obstacles)

The New Strength & Speed's Guide to Elite OCR

The updated new version has interviews with Pros Michelle Warnky, Ashley Samples, Jay Flores and Evan Perperis along with pictures of almost every athlete on the Pro Team from 2019 and 2020.

Order you digital copy exclusively from Amazon here.

The older print version has several athletes including former pro Matt Willis and Evan Perperis on the cover. Additionally, athletes former pro Nathan Palmer, Randi Lackey and Scott Wierzycki had their pictures and names included in the book.

The hard copy is available for purchase in our Pro Shop.

Ultra-OCR Bible

Several athletes were featured in Mud Run Guide's Ultra-OCR Bible including extensive interviews with:

-(At the time) The only women to stand on the individual overall podium of World's Toughest Mudder and OCR World Championship Amy "Magic" Pajcic

-World's Toughest Mudder 2nd Place Team Merrell, Evan "Ultra-OCR Man" Perperis

The book is available for purchase in our Pro Shop.

Also available in digital download on to your Kindle.

Ultra-OCR Man

The book focuses on the biography of Pro Evan Perperis but has parts that talk about every athlete from the CTG Pro team from 2016-early 2019. The book also includes several team pictures from Evan's various ultra-endurance events including 2016's week long OCR America and 2018's 48 hours of Endure The Gauntlet.
Includes references to every member of the CTG Pro Team within the book.

Pick up your copy in the Pro Shop.
Also available in digital from Amazon.
Also available in audio-book format from Audible.

OCR Bucket List

Several athletes are featured in Mud Run Guide's newest book, MRG's Ultimate OCR Bucket List. Including Ashley Samples, Scott Wierzycki, Evan Perperis, Amy Pajcic and more.

Pick up your copy today from our Pro Shop.
Also available in digital from Amazon.

Conquering The Gauntlet

All athletes from the 2016-2018 Conquer The Gauntlet Pro Teams were featured in the book Conquering The Gauntlet: Your Guide to Completing the Midwest's Favorite Obstacle Course Racing Series. The cover features Evan Perperis, the back cover features Ashley Samples and each athlete has at least one picture inside.

Available for purchase in our Pro Shop.
Also available on digital from Amazon.

On Endurance

A step by step guide pulled from lessons learned from the Strength & Speed podcast.  This quick read of 100 pages will give you the tools to need to improve endurance in whatever sport you are focused on.

Available in the Pro Shop.
Also available on digital from Amazon.

The Sponsored Athlete

The only book we've seen that provides a guide to reducing cost or making money from your sport or hobby.  Although focused on OCR, its lessons can be applied to whatever goal you sport or hobby you have in mind.

Available soon in the Pro Shop.
Also available soon on digital from Amazon.